Modern beauty standards out of touch with reality
Modern beauty standards out of touch with reality
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, a smile is the best make up one can have.Quotes aside, beauty can be consoling, disturbing, sacred, profane; it can be exhilarating, appealing, inspiring, chilling. Rodger Scruton, in Beauty stated that this effects can affect us in an unlimited variety of ways.Yet it is never viewed with indifference with reality since: beauty demands to be noticed; it speaks to us directly like the voice of an intimate friend. If there are people who are indifferent to beauty, then it is surely because they do not perceive it
In this short essay, I suggest that beauty has a real and universal value, one anchored in our rational nature, and the sense of beauty has an indispensable part to play in shaping the human world. First beauty is always a reason for attending to the thing that possesses it. Second Beauty is the subject-matter of a judgement: the judgement of taste. The judgement of taste is about the beautiful object, not about the subject’s state of mind. Nevertheless, there are no second-hand judgements of beauty. There is no way that you can argue me into a judgement that I have not made for myself, nor can I become an expert in beauty, simply by studying what others have said about beautiful objects, and without experiencing and judging for myself.
Does the same go for beauty? If someone asks me ‘why are you interested in x?’ is ‘because it is beautiful’. To define our subject, therefore, we have to begin from a list of comparable nuggets about beauty, against which our mind's reality might be tested. Here are a few of them: First, beauty pleases us. Second is that one thing can be more beautiful than another.Yet judgements of beauty concern matters of taste, and maybe taste has no rational foundation. If so, how do we explain the exalted place of beauty in our lives, and why should we lament the reality that beauty is vanishing from our world? And is it the case, as so many writers and artists like Baudelaire and Nietzsche have suggested, that beauty and goodness may diverge.
The sad reality-truth is, beauty fades over time. Wrinkles continue to deepen, skin texture loses its elasticity and plumpness and the complexion becomes increasingly uneven. In order to combat the signs of aging, prevention is key. Whether you are bothered by wrinkles, dark circles, frown lines, marionette lines, dull skin, large pores, an uneven complexion, or pesky patches of melisma there is a solution. A fresh new range of cosmetic injections and peels can help you to look more youthful-looking, refreshed, and radiant.
In summary, beauty has an ultimate value something that we pursue for its own sake, and for the pursuit of which no further reason need be given, although far from reality every face is filled with its own story and its own unique beauty but still the modern beauty standards are miles away from reaching the test of reality.
Rodger Scruton, (2009) Beauty: Oxford University Press Inc., New York